Monday, November 9, 2015


Pada Minggu, 08 Nopember 2015 saya dan beberapa rekan (ceileeh rekan- kanapa g handai tolan sekalian? Hahahakk)  saya (Ayuk, Mbak Luluk (kerabat) dan mb.cenil (teman-Gym)) mengunjungi beberapa lokasi wisata di Kecamatan Pudak. Berangkat dari Ponorogo pada pukul 09.30an kami menggunakan 2 sepeda motor dengan berboncengan. Tidak terlalu kencang karena saya dan mbak Cenil sudah tahu rute yang akan kami tempuh.  Dari Kawasan alun2 Ponorogo menuju Pasar Pulung, kemudian terus ke timur sampai dengan pasar pudak (maaf sekali saya tidak menyebutkan arah2 nya –LUPA dan tidak ngeh buat bikin post ini sebenarnya - hehee). Kemudian terus sampai lagi ke kecamatan Pudak langsung menuju desa Krisik yang merupakan letak dari air terjun Coban Lawe.
Jalan yang kami tempuh memang tidak selalu mulus, apalagi ketika masuk kawasan mendekati coban lawe. Pada awalnya jalan beton, tpi Cuma merasakan sekitar ±300m saja (di masa depan pliss panjanginlah ). Setelah itu kami tetap memilih berkendara karena jika ditempuh dengan jalan kaki akan terasa jauuuuuuh sekali , intinya males saja- hheee. Meskipun jalan yang dilewati lumayan bikin rontok badan alias makadam batu , ya sudahlahh terus saja kami melaju (karena intinya –sekali lagi- males jalan kaki) melewati kebun bawang prei, wortel, kembang kol DKK juga tentunya hutan Pinus.

Tiba di parkiran kami disambut beberapa mas-mas dan sepeda motor yang telah terparkir apik. Agak kaget dan males sih, karena pasti harus retribusi parkir, hahahaa yang ternyata cuman Rp 2000,- saja (emang dasar jiwa emak2 gratisan).
Kami berbarengan dengan beberapa remaja putri yang sepertinya pengen ngeksis juga(jadi berasa tua saya nya). Jalan setapak yang kami lalui agak licin dan memang membutuhkan kehati-hatian yang ekstra.
Finally kami sampai di destinasi pertama;



Sebenarnya kami memutuskan untuk langsung menuju destinasi tanah goyang, tpi karena kami penasaran dengan air terjun ke dua (yang sampai sekarang saya tidak tau namanya) akhirnya kami memutuskan untuk berjalan lagi meninggalkan coban lawe. Bisa dibilang air terjun yang kedua berada lebih tinggi dari coban lawe, kemungkinan masih satu aliran air. Jalan menuju air terjun kedua agak menanjak, yang otomatis lebih menguras tenaga. Pemandangan dari ketinggian memang luar biasa, jadi lelah kami sedikit berkurang. 

Dan akhirnya kami tiba di air terjun yang kedua :


Terakhir lanjuttt ke Tanah Goyang, Guys n Gals :


Thursday, June 27, 2013


            These are foods that make heartburn.called "PENTOL CORAH". Pentol is another name cilok, or if in sukoharjo called Salome. The food found in many places in ponorogo,especially in alun alun. Pentol Corah actually comes from Madiun city instead of the city Ngawi. Why is corah? Corah derived from the name of the village where the pentol first made , precisely in the village district Corah Kartoharjo Madiun. The food is super spicy. With the extra sauce, your stomach will feel burn, but it’s add the delicious taste.

LAKE NGEBEL, Ngebel-Ponorogo


Lake Ngebel - It is called lake Ngebel because it is in Ngebel subdistrict territory. It is located about 24 km to the north-east of Ponogoro, Ngebel lake is in the slope of Wilis mountain with 734 m height on the sea and the temperature 22 to 32 c. With the wide of surface about 1.5 km, Ngebel lake surrounded by the road along 5 km.
This lake has an amazing panorama, cool air with the maiden nature condition that kept one million potentials to be dug up. We also could met various fruits like: durian, mangosteens, pundung, etc. In the lake also spread various fishes, one them is the variety fishes that has protected. It is Hampala fish or the local inhabitants named Ngongok fish. For that purposes, it also available accommodation facilities that already for the visitor who want to spend the night. The facilities is managed by the Regional Government and private enterprise.

According to the developing legend in the community, Ngebel lake was formed based on the story of a dragon snake, named “Baru Klinting”. When the snake take a meditating and unintentionally he was cut-piece by the community around to be eaten. Mysteriously the snake changed into a child who afterwards visited the community and made a contest to repeal the rib that was transfixed by him into the land. Not even one succeeded in carrying it out. Afterwards he repealed this rib, and from this rib hole went out water that afterwards became the big pool that welled up and became Ngebel lake. It seems Ngebel lake had important role in the history of Ponorogo Regency, because one of the founders of Ponorogo regency, Batoro Katong, before doing the greatness Islam religion in Ponogoro regency had clear himself in a pool near to Ngebel lake. At this time, it is known as pool / Kucur Batoro.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013


DAWET JABUNG, Jabung Jetis Ponorogo

Es dhawet Jabung is original culinary from Ponorogo. Originally from Jabung-Jetis Village. It is located approximately 7km south of the city, between Jeruksing - Jetis,

Interesting side about this culinary, is very distinctive taste and a unique way of presentation, unparalleled even in Indonesia. can you imagine, a blend of ice, sugar, fresh coconut, tape (yam) and cendol , make your life more and more excited.

Talk about the price it’s also cheap. You just have prepare Rp 2000-3000,- to buy this drinks. In Ponorogo it is already a tradition and a fact that the people in there are so love it.